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The Premier Patriotic Society of England

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Charitable Trust

The Charitable Trust has been really pleased to be able to make some great donations recently in support of some really worthwhile and well deserving causes. As you can see from the photos, we have been able to provide funds to support a cadet from the Air Training Corps in Battle, the Farnham Youth Band, Scouts attending a World Jamboree, TS Boxer Maritime Cadets as well as allowing over 300 cadets to attend the Cenotaph Parade in April.

A photo gallery of some of the presentations we have made may be found at the foot of this overview.

The Trust was established in 1971 with the aim of using the income generated from the capital fund to support young people in their ‘worthy’ endeavours whilst promoting the name of England and the Society, spreading the funds as widely as possible through the branches of the Society. We usually try to identify causes that our funds can actually make a difference to the individual or group involved.

The Trust is now registered for Gift Aid and as such we have produced Gift Aid envelopes that you can use at your branch events. You can use these to collect funds at your events for either the Trust or a cause of your choice – you just need to make it very clear at the start of any event what you are collecting for. For more information, please contact the Trust's Secretary.

We are always keen to hear from individuals or groups that we can support – preferably linked to, or supported by, a Branch or Members. If you have any suggestions, please forward them to the Trust’s Secretary, Mrs Edna Stinchcombe MBE on 


Our main objectives are to help and encourage young people to greater achievement, whether in fields of academe, sport, adventure or business, to encourage their enterprise, skills and enthusiasm - for nothing succeeds without enthusiasm.

Each Branch is encouraged to recommend young people from their own area and a list of the current donations can be obtained from the Trustees.

Our funds are limited but if you know of any young person who is doing something worthwhile and who genuinely needs a donation to help with expenses, please get in touch with the Trust Secretary. And if you come across a windfall yourself, don't forget the Charitable Trust!

Please support our Charitable Trust by sending a donation to the Trustees at the Administration Centre address or consider the possibility of leaving a donation to the Trust in your Will.

Branch Matching Scheme

We are pleased to announce a new matching initiative from the Royal Society of St George Charitable Trust, in the hope that we can help more young people in their endeavours to support their community or their own personal development.

Under this initiative the Charitable Trust will match any donation that a branch makes to support a cause that aligns with its defined objectives, up to a limit of £1,000.

For more details, please contact the Trust’s Secretary, Mrs Edna Stinchcombe MBE on

Charitable Trust Trustees

Michael Riley Chairman
Dennis Stinchcombe MBE Vice Chairman
Lloyd James Treasurer
Shirley Hankers Trustee
Joanna Cadman Trustee
Nick Hinchliffe Trustee
Chris Houghton, KCSt.G Trustee
Andrew Settle Trustee
Nick Dutt Ex-Officio Trustee
Edna Stinchcombe MBE Secretary to the Trustees

Application to the Charitable Trust

Online Application Form On Line Application Form (Opens in new window)
Grant Application Form Grant Application Form (PDF)
Grant Application Form (Word)
Branch Matching Grant Application Form Branch Matching Application Form (PDF)
Branch Matching Application Form (Word)


Registered charity no: 263076


Charitable Trust Presentation Photo Gallery

Life Education Wessex / Life Education Wessex and Thames Valley

On Thursday 5th October last, RSSG Charitable Trust Hon Grant Secretary had great pleasure in presenting two RSSG Charitable Trust Grant Certificates to Lorraine Hewitt of ‘Life Education Wessex and Thames Valley’, formerly known as ‘Life Education Wessex’.   The reason for two Certificates, one should have been presented during 2019 but due to something known as Covid19, prevented this.  This grant to ‘Life Education Wessex’ towards New Livery on a Mobile Classroom.

Earlier this year The RSSG Charitable Trust had pleasure in being able to assist with the purchase of resources required for two new Educators within the now newly formed, Life Education Wessex and Thames Valley.


Shirley Hankers- RSSG Charitable Trust Hon Grant Secretary, October 2023


RSSG Charitable Trust Match-funded - ‘Project John Ltd’

The RSSG Furness branch Chairman, Paul Broom, along with RSSG Furness branch Council Member, Rachel Diss, had great pleasure in being able to undertake the Presentation of the RSSG Charitable Trust grant Certificate along with the match-funded cheque totalling £984.00 towards the assisting of supporting ‘Activities for the young people who live within the ‘Project John’ assisted accommodation scheme within the Barrow-in-Furness area.

RSSG Furness branch - 22 September 2023


The Royal Hospital Chelsea

On Monday 4th September 2023, accompanied by my fellow RSSG Charitable Trust Trustee, Shirley Hankers, RSSG Chairman (and ex-officio Trustee), Nick Dutt had great pleasure in joining with Alan Broomhead, Chairman of the RSSG City of Westminster branch, Westminster branch Secretary, Annabelle Emney and Westminster branch Council Member, Louise Fairweather to undertake the RSSG Charitable Trust match-funded donation of £500.00, making a total of £1,000.00 donated to The Royal Hospital Chelsea. 

Our match-funded donation was accepted by Mike, one of the Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioners.  The grant is to assist with the important veteran care work which we hope will help make a vital difference to the lives of all current and future Chelsea Pensioners.


Lloyd James RSSG Charitable Trust Hon Treasurer & Wiltshire Branch Chairman


Alice O’Neill  - 25th World Scout Jamboree - South Korea

Thank you, RSSG Charitable Trust and the RSSG Waterloo branch, so much for your generous support for the Jamboree, the Jamboree was amazing, and I wouldn’t have been able to go if it wasn’t for you, I really appreciate it. The whole experience from every training camp, to meeting so many new people, make new friends and experience new cultures, I am so grateful. Thank you so much, this trip gave me so many experiences and memories which I have gained from the Jamboree, not only invaluable but I will cherish for a lifetime.

Alice O’Neill - 02-September-2023

Burnley Road Bowling Green Club

Burnley Road Bowling Green Club planned a Funday on Sunday 23 July 2023 to allow the club members and children an opportunity to use the Bowling Buddies junior bowls sets on the bowling green, paid for via a grant from RSSG Charitable Trust.  Unfortunately the weather was ‘not good’, so on this occasion the Club House was used.

Another date set, Sunday 20th August, great weather this time.  Due to school holidays, fewer children/adults on the day. Bowling activities were placed all over the bowling green; Bowlers and users were impressed with the versatility of the Bowling Buddies sets.

It has been agreed that a Bowling academy be organised for children to meet on a Saturday morning and further fund days to be organised.  One school has already confirmed attendance for 2024.  Other schools still to respond.

 Treasurer, Burnley Road Bowling Green Club, 31st  August 2023.

 The Commonwealth Resounds - Antigua and Barbuda

 After a very short discussion with a member of staff from The Purcell School, I agreed, with others from the school, to take part in the Alumni outreach trip with The Commonwealth Resounds.

The trip, during July 2023, consisted of working with the Antigua and Barbuda Youth Symphony Orchestra (ABYSO) to help them in preparing for three concerts in which we would also perform in Antigua and one in the sister island of Barbuda.

Both islands and Islanders are still recovering from the devastation caused by hurricane Irma in 2017.

I have to say a massive thank you to The Royal Society of St George Charitable Trust, as without their incredible support, it may not have been possible for us to take part in this trip. Their incredible generosity and support are more appreciated than I could ever explain and I thank the wonderful work they do for other people too!




Hamish Webb.29-August-2023

Armonico Consort

On 5th June, Mr A Clive Benfield GCStJ, FRSA, President of the Royal Society of St George Warwickshire Branch, undertook the presentation of the RSSG Charitable Trust grant Certificate to Mr Christopher Monk of Armonico Consort in Warwick.   Armonico Consort have undertaken an out-of-hours school project with young people from schools within the local area.  This is known as ‘A Singing Legacy Project.’  The RSSG Charitable Trust were pleased to be able to match-fund these projects with a grant of £500 with the Warwickshire Branch donation of £500, thus a total of £1,000.00 for these young people to perform


318  Sale Squadron  ATC

The Greater Manchester Branch of the Royal Society of St. George, in conjunction with the Charitable Trust, was pleased to make presentations to two Air Cadets from the “Air Training Corps 318 Sale Squadron,” and to make a further grant donation towards the work of the Squadron.  The two cadets, Cadet Jack Williams and Corporal Molly Rothwell, received their Certificates from Michael Riley, RSSG Charitable Trust Chairman and Honorary Secretary of the RSSG.


Westhoughton Lions ARLFC

Dr Chris Houghton, Chairman of the RSSG Bolton branch and RSSG Charitable Trust Deputy Chairman, undertook the Presentation of the RSSG Charitable Trust Grant Certificate to representatives of The Westhoughton Lions ARLFC.  The RSSG grant was towards the purchase of Match-Playing Kit for the clubs Young Players.

The photograph shows Dr Houghton with, Ms Caroline Edwards, Club House Manager;

John Thompson, Club House Build Lead and Gareth Rose, Club Treasurer.


The English Music Festival

Stuart Millson, the ‘St George for England’ Editor and Chairman of the RSSG North Downs branch, kindly, on behalf of the RSSG Charitable Trust, undertook the Presentation of the RSSG Charitable Trust match-funded, with the RSSG North Downs branch, Grant Certificate to Mrs Em Marshall-Luck, who founded The English Music Festival in 2006.  The Presentation took place within Dorchester Abbey, Oxfordshire during the EMF May Spring Festival.


St George’s Chapel,  Westminster Abbey

The RSSG Chairman and Ex-Officio Trustee of The RSSG Charitable Trust, Mr Nick Dutt had the honour to present, on 22nd April 2023, to The Venerable Patricia Hillas, who accepted on behalf of The Dean and Chapter of Westminster, the RSSG Charitable Trust grant Certificate.  The RSSG Charitable Trust are pleased to annually donate £500.00 towards the upkeep of St George’s Chapel within Westminster Abbey.


Saint George’s Memorial Church Ypres

The RSSG have the honour to present annually, £500.00 to assist with the upkeep of St George’s Memorial Church in Ypres, Belgium.

Instead of the normal RSSG Charitable Trust grant Certificate Presentation the Certificate was posted to Mr John Arnold.  Mr Arnold sent this photograph of him holding the RSSG Charitable Trust grant Certificate.

A fuller account of St George’s Memorial Church will be published in the August edition of ‘St George for England.’



Theodora Children’s Charity  ‘Giggle Doctors’

On Tuesday 21st March 2023, on behalf of The RSSG Charitable Trust, Paul Herbage the RSSG City of London branch Chairman, presented to the co-founders of Theodora Children’s Charity . ‘Giggle Doctors’,  Andre and Jan Poulie, who were visiting the new Head Offices of the Charity in the England, with the RSSG Charitable Trust Grant Certificate.

‘Giggle Doctors’ are professional actors who visit very sick children in hospitals to bring them fun and laughter helping them on to recovery.

The photograph shows Mr Herbage presenting the RSSG Charitable Trust grant Certificate to Andre.  Holding the ‘Giggle Doctors, coats are Jan and RSSG City of London branch Member, Ian Kelly.


RSSG Charitable Trust Certificate presentation  Benjamin Snelling


On Saturday 25th February 2023, the RSSG Charitable Trust Hon Grant Secretary had great pleasure in presenting, to Benjamin Snelling, the RSSG Charitable Trust Grant Certificate.

Benjamin, of the Sheerwater Scout Troop, will be representing the Woking area of Scouts by attending the 25th World Scout Jamboree, during August 2023, in South Korea.

The photograph shows, Shirley presenting the RSSG Charitable Trust grant Certificate, to Benjamin within the Sheerwater Scout HQ’s.


The Waterside Centre, Newbury     


On 30th January 2023, the RSSG Hon Grant Secretary, Shirley Hankers, had great pleasure in presenting the RSSG Charitable Trust grant Certificate to Sarah Emery, of Berkshire Youth Trust and Kelly Leach, of The Waterside Centre.  This grant, of £500.00, had helped with the renovation of the garden grounds for this Community Centre which is jointly owned by the Berkshire Youth Trust and Newbury Council. Activities, at The Waterside Cenrtre, include indoor sports (rock climbing/basketball/indoor cricket/boxing/etc), also include river activities, the Centre overlooks and is adjacent to the River Kennet, wonderful location. Children’s play groups; dance groups; singing groups; yoga/Pilates as well a room for hire – children’s parties and Conferences also feature at the Centre.  Another feature, a weekly food larder with help to residents within the area.


RSSG Charitable Trust Grant Certificate Presentation  Westminster Abbey


 Last November, Joanna Cadman, in the last act as Chairman before the RSSG  AGM on the 16th November, had the pleasure of presenting the Charitable Trust’s Grant Certificate for our annual grant to Westminster Abbey to Rev’d David Stanton.  As we have been unable to do this during the Covid years, there were three Certificates in all to present, and Rev’d Stanton was very gracious in his acceptance of them.

The photograph of Joanna, with Rev’d Stanton shows them by the Coronation Chair.  Which will play a very important part of our history, on 6th May this year, at the Coronation of King Charles III.